Solar shield window tinting and Aerolite Ceiling Insulation

Solar Shield Window Tinting - Energy Efficient

Solar shield window tinting will help keep your home of office cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Its a superior radiant heat flow barrier that has many advantages when installed with bulk ceiling insulation like think pink aerolite ceiling insulation for an energy efficient home and cutting down on power consumption.

The difference between the two is one stops the heat flow through the ceiling and the other stops the heat flow though the windows. This makes your home and office a much more comfortable environment to live in and drastically reduce the power consumption of your building or home.

With the power crisis in South Africa that has been looming around, putting a huge dent in everyone's wallets every month, the logical thing to do would be to insulate your home with think pink aerolite which is by far the best ceiling insulation on the market and use solar shield window tinting to reduce unnecessary heat and glare which comes through your home or office windows.

One of the good points about solar shield window tinting is you don't need to use blinds or verandahs to block the sun off your window and the view your might have through those windows, its clean neat and removes the glare, heat and UV rays that damage the carpet, wooden floors and fabrics. Make your home a much more pleasant place to live in. Added privacy is another good point on the list to solar shield window tint. Burglars cant see into your place for objects to steal.
Help South Africa be more energy efficient and help reduce our carbon footprint by insulating your homes and businesses and keep South Africa green.